Meet Anita East

Meet Anita East

Entrepreneur, Nurse Practitioner, Founder, CEO of AE Medispa, Author, & Speaker.

What are they saying?

See how Anita is inspiring those with her podcasts,
books and passion.

Anj.F Podcast Listener

I love listening to the real convos on Anita's podcast, topics and conversations that go beyond surface platitudes and get to the heart of why we need to sense-check what we think we're seeing in the mirror

Angie Kent Bachelorette Australia

This book is something I wish I read before I had to learn the hard way...This book needs to be shared, praise and preached!

Jess Origliasso The Veronicas

In a world where our comparison of beauty is analysed through the same identical filters, Anita is the voice remain us that it's our unique and natural beauty that has historically been our most powerful and sought-after feature

Anita East Medispa - Sandgate QLD

A hybrid between a medical clinic and a day spa. Anita East MediSpa operates under the on-site supervision of Nurse Practitioner, Anita East.

TikTok: Join the conversation

Anita shares her passion, knowledge and life as a busy mum, business owner and Nurse Practitioner.
Join her growing TikTok community!
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